Pregnancy is not at all wonderful journey. It can be stressful at times as many pregnant women are suffering from depression. In fact, pregnancy can worsen the symptoms of depression in women who are already coping with it.

What are the common symptoms of depression?

Some symptoms of depression are taken as symptoms of pregnancy such as fatigue. Whenever a pregnant woman suffers from a variety of chronic symptoms of depression, it would always be best to seek for immediate medical advice.

A significant change in sleeping patterns is the most common initial sign of depression. It can be in the form of insomnia, unusual wakefulness during the night and excessive sleeping. Of course, it is possible that a kicking baby or dyspepsia can be the major causes of the changes in sleeping patterns but it would always be best to examine its root cause. Changes in appetite which include under-eating and binge eating are also good indicators of depression but there might be other causes for this symptom.

Withdrawal from things and activities that were once enjoyed is a major indicator of depression. Pregnancy is definitely an exciting and pleasurable journey however those who have been diagnosed with depression complain about numbness and that they cannot see themselves thriving until the end of their pregnancy. On the other hand, excessive emotion and high levels of anxiety may indicate a depressive illness. 

If a woman suffers from mood swings in between, she may be diagnosed by a bipolar disorder which is once known as manic depression.

Dealing With The Symptoms of Depression During Pregnancy

Women who have been diagnosed with a depressive disorder during the course of their pregnancy or those who are suffering from such condition prior to her pregnancy can still take anti-depressant medication as prescribed and recommended by her doctors. It is important to converse with your doctor regarding this important issue because they can prescribe the best medicine that is suitable for your pregnancy. 

They can tell if medication is still necessary after the pregnancy, and what medications can be taken when breastfeeding if you intend to feed your baby that way. Some doctors would also recommend counseling from mental health organizations like SANE, joining a support group or seeking the help of a private counseling to avoid the hassle of waiting for the availability of counsellors.

Who is the most at risk of suffering from mental health disorders during pregnancy and how can the risk be mitigated?

Women who have suffered from mental health disorders are most likely to suffer from depression during pregnancy. Those who are experiencing the complications of pregnancy are also prone to suffer from depression. Hyperemisis, a condition characterized by a constant and continuous feeling of sickness throughout the pregnancy, is usually associated with depression. Some experts argue that hyperemisis is caused by depression while there are others who believe otherwise.

Mitigating the risk associated by depression during pregnancy involves the openness and honesty in divulging your mental health status, and you and your family's mental health history with your health care providers.
If you are presently suffering from a mental health disorder, your doctor may recommend an alteration in your medication to secure the health and safety of your baby, as well as to help you in managing the new or/and changing depressive symptoms. In many cases, abrupt cessation of taking anti-depressant medication triggers the symptoms to recur and worsen drastically during the course of pregnancy.

It is important to take healthy foods and be active most of the time. You should be able to maintain a healthy weight level to reduce your risk of suffering from immobility and joint problems later in your pregnancy. Exercise and take time to relax to ward off depression. 

Take time to go out and mingle with friends to reduce the risk of suffering from a mental health disorder in the future. And lastly, intake of alcohol and caffeine is strongly discouraged.